Your Fertility Preservation Coach

Helping creative & independent women birth a roadmap toward the life they love

Being an adventure and freedom led

woman isn’t for the faint of heart.

No one quite understands why

you aren’t sure whether you want children right now

You’re Googling questions like…

  • What if I’m not ready for a baby?
  • Should I freeze my eggs?
  • What’s it like to use donor sperm?
  • What if I have low AMH?
  • How many frozen eggs do I need to have a baby?
  • Does my insurance plan cover egg freezing?

It can be frustrating when your potential

choices don’t seem to fit your life plan…

You need to talk to

someone you can TRUST.

But you can’t imagine getting life-changing advice from:

  • Someone who doesn’t know what it’s like (or how it feels) to be an independent legend who forges her own path
  • Clinic-sponsored coaches

(aka salespeople). Ewww.Clinic-sponsored coaches

I was there.


I talked to doctors and patient care coordinators in seven different countries & took over 3 years to research to find out which clinic was best for me…

& that’s what makes my coaching different.

At Vanessa Emily We Have Learned So Many Busy Women Wish They Had Frozen Their Eggs, Or Wished They Had Done It Sooner.

But since everyone’s personal life journey is unique and everyone has unique health circumstances, which leads women to think it’s not a problem… until it becomes a problem.

It wasn’t a problem for me either –

until it was a problem.

If I’d had someone to turn to for guidance to talk out a plan…

…my path would have been a lot less life-halting, stressful, and prolonged.

I lived it.

And I can help you sidestep the unnecessary challenges

I want to give you the freedom to choose your path.


Emotional Freedom






Rapid Resolution


I can help you craft the life you’ve been dreaming of

The truth is, you actually know the answers…

you just need to formulate the right questions.

& your identity isn’t based on the choices you make in your fertility preservation journey –

whether you realize it now or not

As someone who has been in your mules, knows exactly where you are & chose to think

differently about the process...

I’ve done the endless

research on Google.

I’ve been ghosted by questionable clinics…

I’ve heard the scare tactics providers use to persuade your decisions…

& felt the pressure to take action.


I chose to go abroad for my egg-freezing journey

I Do This By...

helping you look at options you may not have thought of

& helping you make decisions because…

The Way To Move Forward

Is to get free and clear.

In Our Sessions, You Will..

  • Find out if your decision-maker wears HORNS or a HALO 😈👼
  • Learn how to level up & STOP wasting time operating out of fear & limiting beliefs 💁‍♀️
  • Strengthen your decision-making muscle – the more you work it, the better you look when you FLEX 💪
  • Stop second-guessing yourself & simplifying decisions 🤔🙀
  • Stop overthinking every decision – 🤯
  • Figure out if your choice gets the juices flowing & how to move forward with ease 🙏

: what's next :

Offshore Eggsplore Travel Package

Get on this Waitlist to find out more about Fertility Preservation Abroad which includes 1:1 Mentorship + Destination Travel

EFT Get Unstuck 1:1 Problem-Blaster Session

I’m curious and ready to get unstuck by taking the first step and starting a gameplan. Take me to the EFT Get Unstuck 1:1 Problem-Blaster Session.

Reimagine YOU 90-Day Program

I’m in – I’m ready to learn skills, tips, and tactics to thrive as I move forward in my plan to freeze my eggs. Take me to the ReimagineYOU 90-Day Program.

Not sure where to start?

If you're still new to all this, check out the Free Guide below.

Need some help?

This beyond-clinic Egg Fertilization Blueprint will guide

you through a wholistic approach to fertility preservation.